अब आप भी खोल सकते हैं अपनी दुकान से बिल पेमेंट सेवा का बिज़नेस

Paying different bills and monthly payments is usually an inconvenience that everyone wants to be done with as soon as possible but it refuses to go. And anytime someone is late on their bills, it costs fees and other payment hassles. This has been countered with the emergence of Digital India as now one can simply use various digital payment options that offer Bill Pay Services to their customers with a variety of options.

Bill pay services offer you many kinds of services. Your payments can be

  • Recurring: you can select what bills you want to be paid and when you want to pay them. You also have the choice of stable payments or dynamic payments for bills like electricity which change every month. This will then get saved and a recurring payment will be made every time.
  • One-Time Payment: this is when you use a service to conveniently pay all your monthly bills in one go using the convenience of a single portal.

Most of these Bill pay services are private financial intermediaries, but there is also the Bharat Bill Payment System which is centralized on government infrastructure and can be used by agents and distributors for safe and reliable bill payments. Opening a business related to Bill Pay services in India usually comes down to busing BBPL’s agent or distributor services.

Starting A Business Through BBPL Bill Pay Service Using A Bill Pay App

 बिल पेमेंट की प्रक्रिया को BBPL द्वारा आसान बना दिया गया है। इसका इस्तेमाल करके आप अपनी आमदनी बढ़ा सकते हैं

Starting a bill payment business with a Bill pay app usually requires one to have a retail point where they can serve as a customer touch point. Here, they can do all the utility bill payments and other payments for their clients using the Bill Pay app’s infrastructure. Using a Bill Pay app and portal for opening a Bill Payment Business has been made easy by Soulpay.

Using Soulpay, These Are The Steps One Needs To Go Through To Open A Business For Bill Payment

  • Register your retail shop by submitting required documents and relevant information to the Soulpay portal
  • Wait for KYC and follow steps that are swift and convenient
  • Get a Unique Retailer ID through Soulpay
  • you can avail of Soulpay’s services and offer Bill Pay services

Soulpay uses the BBPL infrastructure to offer instant, 24/7 Bill payment services for your retail point which you can use to earn immediate commissions and earn more through your retail point.

Earning Commissions For Bill Payments By Using Soulpay’s Bill Pay App

Soulpay आपको देता है मार्किट में बेहतर कमीशन का अवसर अपने प्रतिद्वंदियों के मुकाबले

Earning commission for doing bill payments through Soulpay using BBPL infrastructure is quite simple. Every time you do a bill payment for your customer using your online portal, you will give them a receipt of confirmation and as soon as the transaction is processed you will be credited your relevant commissions for it.

There is no inconvenience of haggling with customers for prices as most of the work is done for you by your Bill pay app and portal and you simply have to complete your transactions and have more customers to increase your commissions.

Why You Should Use Soulpay As Your Go-To Provider For Bill Payment Services

जानिये कैसे आप अपने इलाके को एक ज़रूरी सेवा देते हुए बढ़ा सकते हैं अपनी दुकान की आमदनी

Interoperability for various bills to be paid through the portal

Soulpay’s portal is a one-stop solution for all bill payment needs. You do not need any separate website or app to do Bill payments. You can do a variety of bill payments including

  • DTH recharge
  • Electricity Bill Payments
  • Telecom Bill Payments
  • Gas Bill
  • Water Bill
  • Insurance
  • Municipal Taxes
  • Housing Societies
  • Subscription Fees
  • FasTag recharges

All of these services can be provided using Soulpay’s Bill Pay service. Thus, a retailer only has to use one portal and offer all these services with maximum interoperability.

Security and Reliability of using BBPL service through Soulpay

Doing bill payments on Soulpay is fast and secure. All transactions generate an instant receipt which is shared with the customer who can use it for grievance redressal and complaints. The agent is authorized to register complaints in case of delay in payment or non-payment. As transactions and commissions are instantaneous, there are almost no inconveniences caused in payment of bills using Soulpay’s bill pay services.

Using Soulpay’s bill pay app and portal is a low investment, high reward venture that will enhance income from your retail point while providing a service valuable to your community. Enhance your income while contributing to the public good with your retail point by joining Soulpay’s Bill Pay services.